Legal Blowback on Epstein's Bankers
A blowback of lawsuits against Jeffrey Epstein’s bankers has been kicking off behind the scenes as we turn our attention to other things. Judge Esther Salas caught the first of these, filed against Deutschebank in July 2020. Four days later a gunman killed her son and wounded her husband at their family home.
July 2023
Jeffrey Epstein worked with Larry Fink at First Boston in the 1980s
The pair worked together at the financial firm for at least a three year period prior to Larry Fink joining Peter Peterson's Blackstone Group and Jeffrey Epstein joining Steven Hoffenberg's Towers Financial.
July 2023
The Simple Straight-forward Case of Jeffrey Epstein
It is a simple fact that all of Jeffrey Epstein's primary associations were either members of, working for, or closely associated to, the Rothschild family.
March 2023
ChatGPT is a dynamic wikipedia page. It cannot use reasoning to make sense of the knowledge it possesses. That is the role of humans. It is just another tool to replace those who know an awful lot but understand very little. No great loss.
January 2023
It would seem reasonable to believe Pfizer and its corporate associates may be selectively reducing the associated risk of mRNA gene therapy vaccination for their employees and their employees families by providing them, through an employee vaccination program, with vaccine batches produced using a separate manufacturing process to the commercial scale one used to supply general populations.
SleuthDecember 2021
Jeffrey Epstein, notable pimp for the Paul Mellon dying wish foundation
SleuthJune 2021
Meet Lynn Forester de Rothschild, the protected power broker behind Jeffrey Epstein.
SleuthMarch 2021
Like all good investments, it's best to get in on the groundfloor of Presidencies.
InvestigationFeb 2022